Monday, May 13, 2013

Planning for Real Success

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 50% of all business close their doors in the first five years. Over two-thirds never make it past ten years.


There may be many reasons, but many experts say that entrepreneurs often enter businesses with a great vision and boundless determination but need assistance for business development. 

I started my first business when I was 19. I was a successful superintendent for a medium size siding material and installation company, and had moved quickly through the ranks with a lot of help from friends and co-workers who saw a little potential. But being young and full of take-on-the-world energy soon enticed me to break out on my own and start a small construction company. Before I knew it, I had 17 employees and not a lick of sense about what I was doing! It was a time of great expansion and possibility but also a time when a recession was looming 3 years down the road. I had no idea. . . forecasts, projections, critical indicators? I knew what I was suppose to get done that week and worked hard to add to my calendar of jobs, but had little knowledge about how to run a business.

Life's experience, education and a great deal of teachers and mentors have taught me a lot about business, people, and what makes a company fail and flourish. Now I hope to share it with others.

It is my vision to increase the number of successful businesses by providing tools to develop businesses and help them thrive.

As I write, review important topics, and share a little of my experience, I will strive to help your vision become reality.

Robert Putnam